The #1 Notion Startup system, StartOS is $369 $279! [Get Notion]


Built in Framer.Use the code partner25proyearly to get 3 months free off Framer Pro. [Get Framer]

The #1 Notion Startup system, StartOS is $369 $279! [Get Notion]


Built in Framer.Use the code partner25proyearly to get 3 months free off Framer Pro. [Get Framer]

The #1 Notion Startup system, StartOS is $369 $279! [Get Notion]

Built in Framer.

Use the code partner25proyearly to get 3 months free off Framer Pro. [Get Framer]

The FiBand

Project Description

Prosthetic have evolved little over the last four to five decade, with the major changes occurring in manufacturing techniques. 3D printing has no doubt reduced the cost, but one problem persists- the lack of tactile feedback to the user. Most hands today have an internal control, and no feedback to the user. Research has shown that due to this people prefer to use simpler tools such as hooks. Also, the only feedback that they get is visual (and at times auditory. This project involved creating an innovative non-invasive haptic feedback system using sensors made of Velostat, a piezoresistive fabric and a set of vibration motor based feedback segments mounted on what would be the stump of the amputee. [ICRA 2017 Poster] [Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Paper]

Jan 2017- May 2017