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The #1 Notion Startup system, StartOS is $369 $279! [Get Notion]
Built in Framer.
Use the code partner25proyearly to get 3 months free off Framer Pro. [Get Framer]

An individual project for AINT 513. Used Haar Cascades to localize the face followed by corner detection (Shi-Tomasi corners) which were tracked in real time using LK Optic flow.

Wrote ROS nodes and Arduino code to control variety of robots using a standard Xbox-compatible joystick.(Logitech F710 Wireless). The challenges involved getting making the code platform independent and compatible to various robots with minor robot specific tweaks.

The other group members were responsible for developing a tracking algorithm to track the ball in the air as well as a tactile sensor system to gauge the impact of the ball on the palm. The Platform for testing was the GummiArm developed by Dr. Martin F. Stoelen.

The objective of the research is to bridge the gap between conventional prosthesis and the functioning of the human control system.